Overview of studies

This overview is for information purposes only. The respective publisher is responsible for the content.


Study on the cost structure and access to financing of the cooperatives of the project PRO-PLANTEURS


Baseline Report PRO-PLANTEURS – Baseline / Côte d’Ivoire Submitted to: GIZ

Como Consult


Baseline Report PRO-PLANTEURS – étude de base / Côte d’Ivoire Soumise à : GIZ (fr)

Como Consult


Abstract Baseline Studie

Como Consult


Baseline Report PRO-PLANTEURS – Baseline / Côte d’Ivoire Submitted to: GIZ


Leadership Training: Reinforcing the leadership capacities of cocoa cooperative women’s committee members


Ownership and Tenancy of Land Among Cocoa Smallholder Farmers in the Project Area of PRO-PLANTEURS, Côte d’Ivoire 2022


Other studies from the cocoa sector by topics

Assessment of the potential unintended consequences of the EU deforestation regulation for cocoa producing countries in West Africa

2023, University of Bristol und COOKO


An EU strategic framework for working with countries to achieve deforestation-free production

2023, Fern


Cocoa agroforestry in West Africa. Experiences from the private sector and opportunities for collaborative action

2023, Tropenbos International, Tropenbos Ghana and Nitidae

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Transparency, traceability and deforestation in the Ivorian cocoa supply chain

2023, Environmental Research

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Cocoa plantations are associated with deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana

2023, Nature Food

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EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products: Reference Document for Cocoa Producers and Importers

2022, Proforest


EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products: Operational Guidance for Cocoa Producers and Importers

2022, Proforest


Kinderrechtsrisiken in globalen Lieferketten: Warum ein Null-Toleranz-Ansatz nicht genug ist

2023, Save the Children Deutschland e.V.


What makes child labour harmful and what does it mean for the cocoa sector?

2023, ICI

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Business Handbook on Due Diligence in the Cocoa Sector, Addressing Child Labour and Forced Labour

2023, OECD

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Business Handbook on Due Diligence in the Cocoa Sector, Addressing Child Labour and Forced Labour

2023, World Development Sustainability

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Measuring Child Labor: the Who’s, the Where’s, the When’s, and the Why’s

2022, Available at SSRN

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Cash transfers, resilience and child labour in Ghana

2022, ICI


Handlungsleitfaden zur Durchführung der Risikoanalyse für Kakao produzierende Länder

2021, Südwind Institut

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Cocoa household income study approach

2024, Wageningen Economic Research, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)


Towards a Living Income for Cocoa Farmers in Ghana: Assessing companies' efforts to date

2023, Oxfam

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Earn a living? What the Côte d’Ivoire–Ghana cocoa living income differential might deliver on its promise

2023, Food Policy

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Fairtrade Living Income Reference Prices for Cocoa

Update October 2022

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Price in Global Commodity Value Chains - Key to Achieving Living Income and Living Wage

2022, Aidenvironment & SÜDWIND Institute

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Cocoa Living Income Compendium

2022, Cocoa Barometer Consortium

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Cocoa farmers in poverty trap

2022, Südwind-Institut

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What makes co-operatives work? Exploring value creation and distribution in cocoa co-operatives in Ghana

2022, Fairtrade Foundation

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The African Standard for Sustainable Cocoa

2023, Duncan Brack


People and planet in business: A simple guide to how small and micro companies can start or strengthen their due dilligence

2023, Fairtrade

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Assessing the influence of purchasing practices of grocery retailers on producers

2023, INA

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Pesticide Use in Cocoa – Practical Manual – 4th Edition

2023, ICCO
